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Die Suche ergab 340 Treffer

von Erik Boattail
27.09.2009, 13:29
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............
Antworten: 30
Zugriffe: 12744

Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............

torjan schrieb: edit button ist disabled

Well, if that's the case: This is my last post on this board
von Erik Boattail
27.09.2009, 12:58
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............
Antworten: 30
Zugriffe: 12744

Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............

I can't find the button to edit my original post, so I can't change the URL of the YouTube video and post another video of that very same crash........
von Erik Boattail
25.09.2009, 17:16
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............
Antworten: 30
Zugriffe: 12744

Dodge SRT-10 Burn out, but not as we know it............

Click here for video
poster on YouTube: wrote:
I don't know what's worst :
The guy's driving, or the friend that posted this on Youtube.

von Erik Boattail
25.09.2009, 14:22
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Cool scrap yard !!!
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 5737

Cool scrap yard !!!

chief tin cloud schrieb: Achtet auf das Holz am Woody...... What I really like is the transmission on top of that Camaro, a scene you used to see on almost every scrap yard in North America: Also check out the cracks in the windscreen of that Camaro when the video continues, very cool and detailed ! .
von Erik Boattail
25.09.2009, 01:32
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Cool scrap yard !!!
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 5737

Cool scrap yard !!!

This place is unbelievable....

Click here for video
von Erik Boattail
24.09.2009, 12:59
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: For sale in CH
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 5663

For sale in CH

Click the link in T-ROCK's post above to see which vehicles were sold on September 19th....
von Erik Boattail
18.09.2009, 13:42
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Crash test: 1959 Bel Air vs. 2009 Malibu
Antworten: 34
Zugriffe: 15960

Crash test: 1959 Bel Air vs. 2009 Malibu

Bulette schrieb: wohin soll ich die 20€ überweisen?:D

von Erik Boattail
18.09.2009, 13:30
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Crash test: 1959 Bel Air vs. 2009 Malibu
Antworten: 34
Zugriffe: 15960

Crash test: 1959 Bel Air vs. 2009 Malibu

If you think you are pretty safe in your old yank tank, watch this crash test footage..... Click image to start video Article as published on wheels.blogs.nytimes.com: A 2009 Chevy Malibu Destroys a 1959 Bel Air — Literally It was no way to treat a senior citizen: sending a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air hu...
von Erik Boattail
17.09.2009, 23:03
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Old Street Scenes
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 7685

Old Street Scenes

Are you sure that you first used the board's search function, before posting this link... ?
Click here
Also check this link with 2500 images:
Erik Boattail schrieb: There are a lot more photos in the topic starter's Photobucket album
von Erik Boattail
16.09.2009, 23:03
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: US CARS in Movie und TV...
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 9381

US CARS in Movie und TV...

bronco351 schrieb: möglich das es einige schon kennen

I was only responding to the quote above....
von Erik Boattail
16.09.2009, 14:47
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: US CARS in Movie und TV...
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 9381

US CARS in Movie und TV...

Erik Boattail wrote: Click banner

von Erik Boattail
15.09.2009, 23:29
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 9220

DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!

Rene schrieb: alles Kinnerkram :D

der hier is maennlich :cowboy:

If you think that an electric BBQ is "männlich ", go ahead....
For starters, it's electric.
I don't know why, but I found that surprising.
von Erik Boattail
15.09.2009, 18:13
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 9220

DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!

Here's my mate Frank from Austin TX , cooking at his home-built BBQ:

The grille is both wood and gas powered, the rain cover for the chimney is in the shape of the state of Texas:
von Erik Boattail
15.09.2009, 01:02
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 9220

DAS ist doch mal ein Grill!

Last August I saw this V8-BBQ at the meeting in Wetterau:

von Erik Boattail
12.09.2009, 12:15
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: USA: Ten Bucks Eintritt pro Nase!
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 14679

USA: Ten Bucks Eintritt pro Nase!

But you also have to pay US$ 49,25 for your ESTA to enter the USA...... ESTA (Reisegenehmigung für die Vereinigten Staaten) in Deutsch ESTA steht für "Electronic System for Travel Authorization" was übersetzt “Elektronisches System zur Beantragung der Einreisebewilligung” bedeutet. Es handelt sich b...

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