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Die Suche ergab 340 Treffer

von Erik Boattail
08.09.2009, 23:47
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: The Driver
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 5664

The Driver

Click banner
von Erik Boattail
08.09.2009, 14:51
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Stevie Wonder, working on his Camaro....
Antworten: 32
Zugriffe: 14279

Stevie Wonder, working on his Camaro....

With his welding skills, this is what he really needs:
Click images for website

$13,500 for Part # CA 69CP with doors and deck lid
von Erik Boattail
08.09.2009, 13:53
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Stevie Wonder, working on his Camaro....
Antworten: 32
Zugriffe: 14279

Stevie Wonder, working on his Camaro....

Mini-Man schrieb: Nun ist ein 68er Camaro da drüben vermutlich sowas wie hier bei uns nen B oder C Kadett....

The car in the videos is a model year 1969 Camaro....
von Erik Boattail
07.09.2009, 23:52
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Wash Bowl?
Antworten: 27
Zugriffe: 12137

Wash Bowl?

witeblax schrieb: Handwäsche gibt es in Belgien heute auch noch (und alles am Wegesrand ohne Ölanscheider... tztztztz) So in fact you are saying here that it's not allowed to wash your car in front of your house in Germany..... ??? Man, I thought that your TÜV was the absolute champion in creating r...
von Erik Boattail
06.09.2009, 12:13
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: ich bekomm die Krise
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 6261

ich bekomm die Krise

torjan schrieb: ist tatsächlich ein Grand Coupe What you mean is a Gran Coupe. (Reminds me of numerous for sale ads, talking about a 70's Buick Grand Sport or an 80's Gran National.....) But still the model is a 4 drs hardtop sedan and not a 4 drs hardtop coupe. The 1970 Plymouth Gran Coupe special ...
von Erik Boattail
06.09.2009, 11:45
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: ich bekomm die Krise
Antworten: 12
Zugriffe: 6261

ich bekomm die Krise

So this is a hardtop coupe...... ?
Mobile.de seller: wrote:
Rostfreies ´71 Plymouth Fury III HT-Coupe

von Erik Boattail
05.09.2009, 19:21
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Neues vom TÜV
Antworten: 58
Zugriffe: 26333

Neues vom TÜV

If you want to keep your VIN secret, don't expect other people being able to help you out.
Good luck, for what it's worth......
von Erik Boattail
05.09.2009, 11:46
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Suche Fahrschule/Vermieter von amerik. LKW
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 7976

Suche Fahrschule/Vermieter von amerik. LKW

On their website you can click the "OFFERTE" button to mail a request to rent a truck.
This form is in Dutch only, so here's what it says in English:
von Erik Boattail
05.09.2009, 11:24
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Suche Fahrschule/Vermieter von amerik. LKW
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 7976

Suche Fahrschule/Vermieter von amerik. LKW

If your father has his HGV license, maybe you would consider to come to the Netherlands to rent an American truck.
From what I understand, this company is located in the city of Boxmeer, 125 KM from Köln.
Click here
von Erik Boattail
05.09.2009, 10:21
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Neues vom TÜV
Antworten: 58
Zugriffe: 26333

Neues vom TÜV

You typed the messages with the different model years even before I told you it's a model year 1975 car, so how come you did that ? But to make things a wee bit clearer for us: What does the VIN on the car say ? Is there still a door sticker on the car, if so: What is the VIN on that sticker ? What ...
von Erik Boattail
04.09.2009, 21:59
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Neues vom TÜV
Antworten: 58
Zugriffe: 26333

Neues vom TÜV

I've noticed in your previous posts that you aren't really all that sure about the exact model year of your Caprice. So I don't think that you can blame the good people at TÜV for sharing that same old feeling....... Meiner ist Bauj. 1974, 5,7l 1975er Caprice Chevrolet Caprice Classic Convertible 19...
von Erik Boattail
04.09.2009, 11:18
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Tretauto: amerikanisch? Vorkrieg?
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 10971

Tretauto: amerikanisch? Vorkrieg?

witeblax schrieb: ...ist der "Tachostand" im Bild des Eingangspostings vielleicht ein Hinweis auf das Baujahr? (Auch wenn Chief schrob "fifties"):cool: The factory opened on July 5th, 1949. But.....in the text it says this: The J40 Roadster was based on the 1948 A40 Devon and Dorset. Delivery of the...
von Erik Boattail
01.09.2009, 18:54
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Tretauto: amerikanisch? Vorkrieg?
Antworten: 16
Zugriffe: 10971

Tretauto: amerikanisch? Vorkrieg?

It looks British to me, the position of the steering wheel is another hint.
And one of the gauges says PETROL, not GAS like lazy Americans use for the word gasoline.
von Erik Boattail
26.08.2009, 13:50
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: Auto Werbung
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 3398

Auto Werbung

centurymarc schrieb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhf54rs4ze8&feature=related

Too bad that a lot of people (even the owners of such a car) are typing "Roadrunner" instead of "Road Runner".......
Reminds me of the whole "Cadillac" vs."Caddilac" thing


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