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Die Suche ergab 340 Treffer

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:49
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: A few scrapped Buicks......
Antworten: 54
Zugriffe: 20719

A few scrapped Buicks......

Click thumbnails
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:46
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Here's a little video/photo impression, made by my mate Harry Clamshell:
< Click image
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:44
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

A selection of over 1400 photos is online now:

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:41
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

During the 5746 miles / 9245 km we travelled during this road trip, we never saw a Boattail in the wild. So you can imagine the surprise when a 1972 Boattail showed up in the parking lot of "Bob's Country Bunker", in the last few hours of our vacation on American soil: Our flight back home was sched...
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:39
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Last Saturday (December 13th) we returned to Austin, TX for the flight home. For Friday night we stayed in a hotel in Brownwood, TX, so it was just a short drive back to Austin. First we went for some final shopping at the local Academy sports store (like we didn't bought enough t-shirts along the j...
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:38
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Here are a few photos of our visit of James, Linda and their children Bruce and Rachel. James took us for a spin in the 2NABOT, and she spins for sure ! That evening we had a wonderful meal at this local restaurant, but both Rob and I were not sure what to think of the funny name of that place: Deut...

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