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Die Suche ergab 340 Treffer

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:36
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

After our GM Obsolete visit we drove back to Texas and stayed overnight in a motel in Van Horn.
The next day (Friday December 12th) we drove to Buffalo Gap to visit board member jamyers and his family.
Along the trip we came across Santa and a few old cars:
Click thumbnails

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:33
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

After all the Las Vegas entertainment we drove to Wickenburg, AZ where we stayed in this very strange motel. The person at the front desk looked like she was the president of the Psycho fanclub, and I reckoned that her hairdo was an award winning design at the 1954 Wickenburg Fair..... Luckily we su...
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:30
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Here are a few photos of last Wednesday in Las Vegas and at the Hoover Dam.
At this classic car dealer on Tropicana Blvd. you can rent every car in their lot if their selling prices are a wee bit too steep for your wallet:

Click thumbnails

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:28
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Larry, and of course Linda, if you are reading this: A big thank you for having us, and we really enjoyed the tour around the premises !! See you again next summer for a few So-Cal car shows. Tuesday night we travelled to Las Vegas, visited the Strip and the Hoover Dam on Wednesday. I won't post an...
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:27
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Last Tuesday (December 9th) we left our motel in the greater San Diego area to travel up the West coast to Dana Point, to catch a ferry to Catalina Island. Since we both are not really the average tourist types, we decided that just a quick view at the island from the Californian coast was more than...
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:26
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Yesterday (Wednesday) we rented a second car:
A Mustang convertible to visit the Hoover dam.
Here's the Mustang:

And here you can see that it's leaking like a true Ford product:
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:24
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

Next port of call was Southern California:

Today (well, that's already yesterday when I'm typing this) we visited Rancho Riviera in Riverside, CA.
More about that later !!!
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:23
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

After our TA Performance visit, we went to another part of Phoenix, to visit Speedway Automotive. The guy in the office told us that there wasn't a lot of all the Buick stuff left, they decided to quit the Buick parts business and only concentrate on the Reatta. Click thumbnails
von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:21
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

After a few miles we reached Phoenix, Arizona in the early morning.
So it was TA Performance time for us !
Here are a few photos of the TA Performance manufacturing facility:

von Erik Boattail
08.05.2009, 16:21
Forum: * American Way of Life and Drive *
Thema: American Road Trip 2008
Antworten: 53
Zugriffe: 19708

American Road Trip 2008

This post is coming to you from Las Vegas, Nevada: After our visit to the Alamo, we decided to travel down the I-10 to reach Phoenix, Arizona on Monday morning. At a truckstop we met this truckdriver from the Netherlands, who is now living in Texas since 1981. Great guy named Paul, after all those y...

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