Gruß Dejan
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body but rather sliding in, shotglass in one hand, cell phone in the other, body thoughly used up and totally worn out screaming WooooooHoooooo WHAT A RIDE!!!!!!!!!!
"In any conflict between Physics and Style, Physics always wins"
Rubberhunter hat geschrieben:Richtig fett
Meins ist das wo er genau mittig von leicht oben abgelichtet wurde.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body but rather sliding in, shotglass in one hand, cell phone in the other, body thoughly used up and totally worn out screaming WooooooHoooooo WHAT A RIDE!!!!!!!!!!
"In any conflict between Physics and Style, Physics always wins"
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